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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Breaking the Back of Slavery.

Well I figured that after I Bloged about the 1852 Presidential Election , that I could go right into what I thought started the American Civil War. But as I decovered 3 men one piece of Legislation and several events, pushed America into Civil War. By January 1854 the Country was teetering on Civil War, and the South was openly speaking of Succession. People all over America were landing on one side or the other on the issue of Slavery. You were either Pro or Anti Slavery. By May 1854 there was no turning back America was on its way to War. And the Black Slaves was on their way to Freedom. The next Blog we will look at the first man and the first event that help push America into War.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Chirstmas.

As you  awake this Christmas Morning 2012 I hope you give thanks for waking up, because it was not a given that you would. Alot  of people started out with me in December 1946, and are not here today. God bless your memory and keep your families safe. I am very blessed this Christmas Morning to be 66yo and have my mind and my health. I give honor to my Mother, my Grand Mother, and My Great Grand Mother, very strong women who shaped my life for my first 13 years. And to the millions of Black men and women who lost their lifes comming to America, and to those who endured Slavery, and  to those who walked out into Freedom April 1865-and june 1865. Thank you for Building America.

Shall we Prey this morning for those Innocent little Children and Teachers who were  Shot down on my Birthday. Lord keep and care for those Families. we will never be able to wrap our minds around such Killings.I prey that we can get and keep Assauit Weapons out of the hands of Killers.

Merry Christmas to All.

To all people over 60 I will say on this Christmas Day 2012, get up and move. The body was never ment to Sit around.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The 1852 Presidential Election.

This election bore and important similarities to the 1844 Election. Once again the incumbnt was a Whig, who had succeeded to the Presidency  with the death of a war hero, in this case it was Millard Fillmore who followed Zachary TaylorThe Whigs passed over the incumbent in favor of  General Winfield Scott. The Democratics nominated a dark horse Franklin Pierce. The Whigs again campaingned on  the Democratics candidates obscurity this stratigy failed. Pierce went on to win by a large Electoral vote  After the 1852 election the Whig party collapsed and they fail to nominate a candidate in the next Presidential race. It was soon replaced by the new Republican party.

In 1852 the Whigs were bitterly divided. supporters of President Fillmore pointed to the Compromise of 1850 that kept the union togeather. Northern Whigs believed the Compromse favored the Slaveholding South The third party in the race was the Free Soilers who opposed Slavery. In this election the Democratics and the Whigs lack clear cut issues, and because of that the turnout was low. Winfield Scott anti Slavery reputation decimated the Southern Whig vote. At the sametime the Whigs pro-Slavery platform undermined the Northern whigs. Pierice won in a landslide.

After the 1852  many Souhern Whigs join the Democratic Party, and many Northern Whigs help form the  Repubican party.

Well we have now reached a point in American history where the weight of Slavery has gotton to heavy for America to carry . 1854 will open the door to Civil War,and the beganning of the end of Slavery.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today is my Birthday

against all odds I have reached the age of 66. Thank you God for allowing me to reach this age. Alot of people started out with me on December 14, 1946 are not here today. I am rich today oh not with money, but with strong mind and body. I know many people died so as I can be here this morning.

A US President died on this day Our first President George Washington died the night of December 14, 1799. As the President lay on his death bed, his trusted Slave Bill Lee stood by his side. The President ask Mr Lee to sit down Mr Lee refused. I bet you this was the first time Mr Lee ever refused a order from the President. To all  the Black Slaves who came over on the slave Ships, and for all the Slaves who endured Slavery in America, I Honor you, and I am trying to tell your story.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1848 Presidential Election.

This election was held on Tuesday November 7. It was won by Zachary Taylor. he was running against Martin Van Burn, and Lewis Cass. This was for the open seat. President James K Polk having achieved all his major objectives in one term. He also suffered from declining health. He kept his promise not to seek re-election. This was the first time the election was held on the same day. The Whigs attention was on wheather Slavery should be banned in the new Territories. In the 1848 election the Whigs and the Democratics were the two major parties. But a 3rd party was formed that was called the Free- Soilers,the Free-Soilers opposed Slavery. This was the first time in the history of America that a party ran a general election opposing Slavery. In 1848 Traped by not being able to expand Slavery into the new territories Slaveholders and Southern Politician now began to speak openly of Succeeding from the Union.

After the 1848 Presidential Eelection confusion was now breaking out all over the country about Slavery. The Pro-Slavers and the Anti-Slavers were diging there heel in ,a showdown was looming. the courntry was slowly being torn apart over the issure of Slavery. we are headed for a rough 15 years in American History. Alot of people will lose there lifes, including a Setting US President.

The road has been long and hard but against all odds the Black Slave is 15 years away from Freedom.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The 1844 Presidential Election

Democrat James K Polk defeated Whig canidate Henry Clay. in a close contest that turn on foreign policy. Polk ran on territorial expansion. James K Polk call for the annexation of Texas,and a claim to the whole Oregon area.This appealed to both Northern expansionists an Southern expansionists who focused on annexing Texas as a Slave State. After the 1844 election the Democrats became the dominant party. As we have said the Democrats were Proslavery

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The 1840 Presidential Election.

From the 1840 election through the 1864 election, Slavery was now a national issue. No longer could Politicians run for elections and ignore Slavery, it was now moving front and center in America. Abolitionist were now pushing hard for and end to Slavery.

This election saw President Martin Van Buren fighting for reelection, against a economic dpression, and a Whig party unified behind a war hero Willim Henry Harrison. Harrison won the Nomination, he was a Northner, but the party needed a Southner to balance out the ticket. They turn to Viginia Senator John Tyler. The Whigs ran on a Strategy of avoiding the Slave issue, but that was getting harder to do.

Harrison won the election but only served 32 to days before dying in offices. He was suceeded by his Vice President John Tyler.

This electon was the begnning for the next 24 years America would tear its self apart over Slavery.

In America we have now reached the starting gate to feedom for  Millions of Black Slaves

Thursday, November 22, 2012

HappyThanks Giving.

A day to Stop and give thanks for the year that has pasted. As a 65yo Black Man I know longer take the years for granted. I enjoy one year at a time. I thank god for my mind and my health.

Lets go back in History and give thanks to all the Black Slave Men and Women who were beaten killed and raped on Slave ships comming to America. And I give thanks to all the Black Men Women  and Children who endured Slavery for Centuries, under the threat of being beaten klled raped or solded. Up through the years in America there have been game changers, that moved America along the path to freedom for everyone.

The first game changer was the American Revolution, this war inable alot of Slaves to free themselfs. The next game changer, after the war most Northern States freed all of there Slaves, with the exception of Delaware. By 1810 there were 180.000 free Blacks living in America. The next game changer came during the American Civil War. This War ended Slavery and sent Millions of Black Slaves into freedom.

After the Civil War it took a 100 years for America to start to live up to its creed, and to start enforcing all laws to protect all of its citizens. Well the 2008 Presdiential election that elected a Black Man as Presdient of these United States. And now we have reelcted the same Black Man as Presdient of  these United States. We are now on the path to real change in America.

So to all Americans I say Happy Thanks Giving to you. No matter who you are, or what you believe.

One Nation under God and Liberty for All.

America lets let Hate rest for one day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The 1850 Compromise.

1.California was admitted as a free state.

2.The Slave trade was abolished , not Slavery in the District of Columbia.

3.The territory of New Mexico including Arizona and Utah were organized under the rule of popular sovereigny.

4. And the Main compromise for Slaveholders, was a harsher Fugitive Slave Act.

5.Texas gave up much of the western land in which it claimed. The US gave Texas 10 milliom to give up that claim.

The Slave States were speaking of Sccession in the 1840s. The 1850 Compromise postponed the Civil War for 10 years. For the frist time this harsher Fugitive Slave Act inforced by the US Govnment told every white American that you had to turn in runaway Slaves that you came in contact with. This did not sit well with Abolitionists who were Anti Slavery. And now the Anti Slavery movement was now steam rolling toward 1860.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


We are about to start to look at the American Presdiental elections from 1844-1864 . But before we look at those elections, we must move forward and look at the 2012 electon in which a Black American Man was re-elected Presdient of these United States. Well now we read that some of our fellow Americans want to Succeed from America. As a 65yo Black Man and  a American Veterans, it would be easy to dismiss these American as just racist Well lets look at this a little  deeper. In the 2010 elections we heard alot of Americans speaking of taking their country back, and being the real Americans. Well I do not remember any Americans losing America in 2008 or 2012. And as for as being real Amricans, the only real Amricans I know  are Native Americans, they were on this land frist.

Well I would Guess that most of these Americans who sign the Succession Petition see themselfs as white Americans The lines between who is White and who is Black in America are blured. Since  White Men first set foot on North American soil there have been race mixing. A bit of a reality check to those Americans who sign the Succession petitions, you do your Grand and Great Grand childern a disservice by putting forth so much hate, because we have a Black Presdient. You see my fellow Americans your childern grand and great grand childern will have to get along in a America alot differient than the one you grew up in.

To the Succession  minded American no one likes change, But America is  changeing you can see it, and you  can feel it. If one thing we learn from the 2008-2012 elections Ameica is moving forward hate will not win we as Americans of all colors will have to get along.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This was the most powerful Force in America aganist Slavery beganning in 1824.

For three decades before the civil war this movement agitated for the end of Slavery in America. The group came togeather to act politically in the AntiSlavery cause. The abolitionist movement was of high moral purpose an courage, and made the Slavery question the prime concern of national politics. Although Antislavery sentiments had existed during the 1750s, it did not reach crusading proportions. until the 1830s. One of its main spring was the growing influence of  religion. The religions revival that began in western New York in 1824 and swept much of  the north. This created a powerful impulse toward social reform, and the freeing  of Slaves. Arthur and Lewis Tappan along  with Lloyd Garrison began publishing an abolitionist journal The Liberator. In  Philadelpha the American AntiSlavery society was formed in 1833, The society launched  massive propaganda campaign. It flooded the Slave states with abolitionist literature. They sent agents throughout the north to organize states.and poured petitions into congress demanding and end to Slavery. The abolitionists were widely denounced and abused, mobs  attacked them in the north.

Southerners burned AntiSlavery pamphlets. And some states excluded them from mail. Congress imposed the Gag-Rule, to avoid considering the petitions. Free thanking Democratics and Whigs were the forerunner of the Republican party.

I would ask you to study and research the abolitionists movemnt. This was the most powerful movement in Amrica for ending Slavery. These brave men and women risk being killed, beaten or thrown in jail. They risked it all to end Slavery.You must remember in 1824 when this movement started, every level of the US government was pro Slavery, Slavery at this time was firmly entrenched in America. Aganist all odds

Abolitionist ended Slavery in America.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Game Changer

May I step forward for a moment. The 2012 Presidental election was a game changer, you can feel it, and you can see it. We are now on the path to make America work for everyone. Anyone in America can now make it now if they try, Now you have to plan, and you have to be educated, and know how to research. God Bless America.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

We owe it all to the Vet.

God Bless all American Veterans.

Wifes of Slaveowners

People always ask me what role did White Women play in Slavery Well you know they could not have been happy with their husbands having half white Slave babies with Black Slave Women. In reality She had no choice but to turn a blind eye.You must remember that in the 15-16-17 and 1800 Women were the possessions of White Men no matter what color they were.

We as Black Americans can never give too much honor to Black Slave Women, and the Black Soldier.

America was built on the backs of the Black Slave Women and the Black Soldier.

Thank you for viewing this Blog. I Blog because I love History. In the week of November 26. I will start a Blog Talk Radio show, speaking on my my passions. History, Health, and Aging.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Heres one for you.

The Revolution War and the Civil War was Fought for the same reason Slavery. The American Colonies were quite uncomfortable with the English Courts granting Freedom to Slaves in the early 1770s.

We are at the front door of going into the 1850s. But there are a few Blogs I have to do, to bring us up to the 1850s. Because onuce we get into the 1850s we are into 15 years of  Combat. So I am going to go back and look at what got us up to 1850.

And then we will look at  what  put slaves on the path to freedom.

As a 65yo Black man I am quite excited about this Blog. History is my passion. After November 26, 2012, I will start a talk  show on my 3 passions Health, History, and Aging.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Why I Started this Blog.

When I started this Blog I was mad, because I felt that my people knew nothing about there own History. However as I got into this Blog I found out that I knew  very little about my History. From 1505-1850 the Black Slave in America had know help and no where to turn. The white Slave owner had every part of America working for him, everyone depended on Slavery. the government at every level was making money off of Slavery. All through the 1830s, and 1840s cotton was King and the  Slave owners just got richer. After the 1844 elections Life for the Slave owner just got better. America became a one party courntry. The Whig party, stoped being a party. And the Democrats ran the courntry from 1844 until 1860. Well after the 1844 election the Slave owners were not happy  with the amount of money they were  making they wanted more. They were so sure of themslfs, and so  full of greeds.

Well this takes us up to 1850. This decade is the decade that Slavery falls apart.

After the 26 of November 2012 I will began my 30min Blog talk Radio talk show.

My topics  Will be History, and Health, and Aging.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The History of the Republican Party.

The party was formed in 1854 by disgrundle Democratics and Whigs who opposed Slavery. They were everyday people  who rejected their fellow man being oppressed. These anti Slavery activists believed  in       free soil, free speech, and free men, was the slogan of the day. The party opposed human enslavement. The party became a national party in 1856 when it norminated John C Freemont. 4 years later Abraham Lincoln election frmly put the Republican  party in control  from 1860-1932. During the civl war aganist the advice of his cabinet he sign the emancipation proclamation. that freed the Slave. The Republicans of the day passed the 13,14, and 15 amendment. Outlawing Slavery, guaranting equal protection under the law, securing the right to vote, for the freedmen and women. The Republican party also got the vote for women, in 1896.

In the 1850s the Democratic and Republican party Flip floped. The Democratics were pro-Slavery.

The Republican Party, the party of Lincoln. I think Lincoln would be shocked by his party in 2012.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1840 U.S Presidential Election.

MartinVan Buren running for reelection, aganist Willam Henry Harrison. In December 1840 during this election, if you were aganist Slavery you were considered radical, are just crazy. Slavery going into this election was a American insitution. It was supported at evey level of government.

Thank you America.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well Black Americans the 2012 election is upon us. Alot of Black men and women have died for you to have this right. PLEASE VOTE.

God bless you Mr President, and good luck.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

America for All

Well Election day 2012, is just about upon us. We can see one thing that is still with us in 2012, and that is racism. This attitude has been with us since the very begnnig of Amerca. With the Election in 2008 of a Black President, racism has come roaing back. Before 2008 alot of Black Americans were trying to run away from our History. Well now the Hate and racism has come aground.Black Americans you do yourself and your children a diservice when you try to pretend that everyone loves you. Being the only Black face on a job or at an event do not make you look great, it makes you look like a fool. Stop trying to run from your History embrace it. Yes your fore Mothers and Fathers, were Slaves, and were bought, solded raped and killed and made to breed like animals. And Slave women were Slavemasters sex objects. And Slave women were made to wet nurse Masters Children, and force to neglect there own. Yes Black America our History is Brutal and painful,  but be determine never to not let anyone push us backwards. We are American, and we have the right to be. Our Black men has fought in every war America has ever been in. America was built on the backs of Black Slave men and Women.

I believe that this 2012 Election will set America on the path for real change. Hate and Racism will not rule America going forward. So Black America I say to you live right so you can see real change.

Please vote 11,6,2012.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Mother.

Before  I leave October let me give and actknowledgement to my Mother whose Birthday was October 17, 1915-1996. My Mothers Great Grand Mother was born a Slave, but lived long eough to see freedom for herself and her family. My mother knew hard work all her life. She never knew a vacation, until I took her on one. A great women who had a smile for everyone.

God Bless my Mother-Bernice Base Hagler.

Friday, October 26, 2012

White Supremacy.

The problems that we have in America today can be traceed back to the 1660s when the Colonies establish laws that were ment to keep the Black Slave in Slavery forever. Well that White Supremacy thinking has been  handed down through genrations.. Now we see today in October 2012 that 40% of America is caught up in White Supremacy thanking.. Alot of people in that 40% just would not mind seeing Americans of color pushed backwards.As a 65yo Black man I understand  the best way to combat White Supremacy is Education.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Black Slave Women.

I Always come Back to the Black Slave Women. Throughout American History the Black Slave Women has been used, and abused. As a 65yo Black American Man Iam here today because of my Fore mothers. The Black Slave Women from the time she sit foot on American soil, She Was subject to being killed, being Raped, being solded., or beaten.

Let me end by saying America was built on the Back of the Black Slave women. I honer her.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The U.S Constitution.

The Slavemaster felt that under the 5th Amendment he had the law of the land on his side to carry on the Slave trade.

The 5th Amendment States, no person shall be deprived of his property, without due process of the law nor shall private property be taken away from him without just compensation.

Since Slaves were considered property Slavery was protected under the U.S Constitution.

As I have said throughout this Blog the Black Slave had no rights that no white Man was bound to honer.

Monday, October 8, 2012

In America

From 1505-1865 the White Male elite were only interested in making money. The Black Slave was imported in to do all work, From field to household to child care, to wet nursing, and as a Sex object. The Black Slave was used from the cradle to the grave by the American White male elite. They tried using Native Americans as Slaves, but the Native Americans knew the land, and could simply run away. But the Black Slave was new to the land, and had no where to run.

The Black Slaves Skin color work aganist him are her. All Laws were written by the white Male elite , for the benfit of the White Male elte . No law work for the Black Slave. The Black Slave was chattle to be bought and solded, and used anyway the white Male elite saw fit.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Institution Of Slavery.

By 1840 Slavery was a Legitimate Business operation in. America. Slavery was supported  at every level of the U.S Govenment. Buying, selling, trading, and Breeding Slaves was the norm. Slavery was big Business in America. And no city in America was bigger in the Slave Trade than New Orlean .In 1840 New Orlean was the 4th richest city in  America, because of the Slave Trade. Big money was being made in America because of Slavery.

As we have moved  from 1505 up to 1840, on our way to 1865 we can see that alot of people got quite rich off of the Slave Trade.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Understanding Racism in America.

 For all of my 65 years I never understood why so many people hated, and wanted to keep others down just because of skin color. Well since starting my research on this Blog I have come to understand American Racism. I now know how Racism came into being, why it has been handed down through History, And who it benefits. White Supremency laws were written into law in all of the 13 Colonies, in order to control the Black Slaves. The White Indentured Servants were rebelling in the 1660s. The White Planters turn more to the Black Slave. Let me say that in 2012 Racism is  with us we always have to be watchful of it if you are not careful it will consume you, and destoy you. Let me say in closing that Racism was created to keep the masses down so a few can profit.

In my on going research of History I have come across a town that was settle by Black Feedman in 1887, and is still around today,

Mound Bayou Mississippi.

I would ask you to readed about this Town and all its History.

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Declaration of Independence.

As we call it the 4th of July. This is the day America celebrates its Freedom. The Declaration of Independence was passed on July 2, 1776, and  it was Ratified July 4, 1776. 50 years later on July 4, 1836

Both Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams authors of the Declaration of Independence died hours apart. Between July 4th 1776 and July 4th 1865, only White Men and there families could celebrate the 4th of July. While preaching Freedom, eating Dranking, and having a great time. 4 million Black Men, Women and Children Were Enslaved. Thomas Jefferson wrote. We hold these truth to be self evident that all Men are created equal.

Beautiful words from and old Slaveholder. Happy 4th of July America. The Framers of the U.S Constitution wrote Beautitful words. I would ask you as readers to research American History.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 19, 1865.

Last Tuesday was June 19. As a child I call it Juneth. I doubt if many Black Texan under the age of 60 remember this day. this was the day Black Slaves in Texas learn they were Free. Slavery had Finally ended in these United States.

God Bless the Men and Women who walked out of Slavery, and into Freedom that day,

JUNE 19, 1865.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day.

Happy Fathers Day to a Slave who took it up on himself to end Slavery.

Nathaniel Nat Turner, Born Octomber 2, 1800-November11, 1831. Nat Turner was born into Slavery, and he took a major step toward Freeing his people. I hope he is finding peace whereever he is. He was born a Slave, but  died a Man.

I could speak on Mr Turner for sometime, however there is so much Black history to cover. I would ask you to research and Learn about Nathaniel Nat Turner. A Black Man who took A Stand for Freedom.

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Arthur Jack Johnson

My Hero Arthur Jack Johnson Died June 10th 1946, outside Releigh Durham North Carolina. He was 68 years old. He  was speeding on a dirt road and ran into a pole and killed himself. after big refused service in a White resturant. After a lifetime of Fighting Racism, Hate ,Racism finally overcame Jack. God Bless him he was a fighter in and out of he ring. A MANS MAN. A Black man who stood up when most Black Men in America was being Beaten down.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Race Releations

As a young  man growing up in the 1960s, I always heard people speak of Race Releations. Infact I ounce attended a 3 month Race Releations seminar. From 1505-1865 in America there was no such word as Race Releations. Rich White Men ran everything and everybody. The only Releations that they were having was with the Black Slave, was Sexual Releations with the Black Slave Women. They only had to start dealing with us as a people, was at the end of the Civil War.When  The 13, 14, and 15 Amendments was forced down the Southern Elites throats

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Amazing Grace.

Amazing Grace was written by John Newton 1725-1807. John was pressed into the Royal Navy and became  a sailor on a Slave ship for two years. One night a terriable  storm hit his ship and he became frighten enough to call out to God, for mercy.  He later became a poet and a clergyman..

Shall we sing.

1. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me,

I once  was lost, but now am found,

was blind but now I see.

2. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved, how precious did that  grace appear the hour I first beliieved.

3. Through many dangers toils and snares  I  have already come tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will  lead me home

4. The lord has promused good to me, his word my hope secures, he will my shield and portion be as long a life  endures.

.5. Yea when this fleash and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease.  I shall possess without the veil a life of joy and pease.

6. When been there ten thousand  years bright, shining as the sun, no less days to sing Gods

 praise than when we first begun.

I would like to honor my Great Gran Mother, Laura, Mama Stephenson, My Gran Mother Hattie mo Darden, My Mother Bernice Base Hagler,My Gran Father Will Darden and my Father Lewis Hagler.They have all gone on to there Glory now, but they still live on through me.

Also  I would like to give honor to every Black man, Woman, and Child, who were brought to America as Slaves, on there backs  America is Built..

Also I give honor to the Black Soldier who died fighting  in all of American wars.

May all of you rest in Heaven.


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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

This is the day America honors its fallen. I thought I would start this day off with a song.  A Gospel  Hymm that was written by a Englsh Sailor who later became a poet and a Clergyman. He was pressed into the Royal Navy. And worked on a Slave ship for two years.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Good Breeding Stock.

African men outnumbered African women, so Slave repoduction was low. Prolong Breast Feeding inhibited conception, that couple with high infant mortatlity among Slave Women. This ensured a low rate of Slave repoduction. The death rate among Slaves were high. Plantation onwers encouraged Slaves to have children. Child bearing among Slave women began at age 13. and  by age 20 she was expected to have had 4or 5 childern. Planters promised slave women freedom if they would have 15 children.

Charlas Bell a Slave from Maryland speaks of a Slave Market that sold Pregnant Slaves. A tall thin weather beaten White Man, wanted to buy a couple of Breeding wenches and would pay a good price for them. He then walked along our lines, as we stood Chained togeather. As he looked at the whole of us, he turn to 2  pregnant Slave women and asked our Master how much.Our Master replied these 2 were 2  of the best breeding wenches in all of Maryland. That one the   20yo  had produced 7 children. The other one a 19yo the Master said would make a good Breeders, and would be cheap at a $1000 each, but since they could not keep up with the gang, he would let them go for $1200 for the 2. Young women were often advertised as good Breeding Stock.

One Slave trader in Virginia boasted that his successful breeding policies enable him to sell 6000 Slave children a year.

There were no recognition of Marriage between Slaves, at any level of goverment. Slaves may have jumped the Broom but couples could be broken up and sold at anytime. And we must remember white males had total and unrestricted access to Black Women.

 We as Black American are trying to runaway from our Hisory, I feel we should embrace it. All problems that we have experienced in  America  today were bred and formed  starting in 1505 when  Black Slaves were brought to America. My Blog give Black Amerians a tool for understanding Racism.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

The need for Slavery.

A Reverend Peter Fontaine replying to a query from his Brother Moses, as to the christian ethics of enslaving our fellow creatures. The Reverend wrote that to live in Virginia without Slaves would be morally impossible. By the 1800 Slavery was frmly in place in the Southern part of the US. Infact the Southern Planters had a name for Slavery.

The Peculiar Institution.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy mothers Day.

Sarah Sally Hemings Born 1773, Died 1835. A mixed race Slave woman who became President Thomas Jefferson Sex Slave. Happy Mothers Day Miss Hemings, may you rest in Heaven.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Special Mothers Day.

From the cradle to the grave, the Black Slave women never knew a stress free day. She had to work from sun up to sun down. She was raped, beaten, solded, and made to wet nurse the masters children. For all of the Black Slave women who gave there life for America, God Bless you, may you rest in Heaven. I give honor love and respect to the American Black Slave Women. America was built on her back.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Black Soldier

As the Revolution began in the 13 American Colonies in the late 1770s. The British were badly outnumbered, when  in desperation they promised freedom to any Slave of a Rebel who fought the Americans on their behalf.The response was greater than they could have imagined. As many as 30,000 Slaves escaped to British lines.Working as Soldiers, labourers, pilots, cooks an musicians. They were a major part of the unsucessful British war effort. As defeat became inevitable, these free Blacks were evacvated to Nova Scotia Canada with other Loyalists. But their hope for promised land never arrived. Ther land was never granted, and most were reduced to a position not so different from Slavery. They were dependent on the small wages they receved for manual Labour. In the end most chose to seek a new life in Serra LeoneWest Africa,away from the cold land where they had experience so much prejudice. This was part of the story of the Black Loyalists.

During the American Revolution the Black Soldier fought on Both sides. Every since the Black Slave set foot on Amrican soil , every war every conflict, the Black Soldier has been involved. America Has always depended on the Black Soldier.

Please become a friend of American Black History. With your Support through Donations.

Ken Hagler.

P.O BOX 702512

DALLAS, TX.75370- 2512.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

The 13 Colonies.

Every since Black Slaves were brought to America, the law was never  written for the Black Slave. especially the Black Slave Women., and the Indain Women. The 13 Colonies adopted the English law.The law in the colonies were written for Whites only.It was open seasion on Black Slave Women, and Girls, and Indain Women  and Girls. The Slave Master decovered that he could keep his labor cost down by  having Sex with the Black Slave Women, and Breeding his own Slaves. I call that pleasure for profit. Under English law the child took the name of the Father. But the Colonies  changed the law to benefit the Slave Master, by saying that a child born to a Slave Women would take the name of the Mother. Therefore ensuring that the child would remain a Slave.


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Indain Removel Act.

In 1830 President Andrew Jacksn just a year after taking office, pushed a new piece of legislation through both houses called the Indain Removel Act. This act gave the President power to break indain treaties, with tribes east of the Mississippi. The removel was suppose to be voluntary and peaceful. But the southeasten nations resisted, and Jackson force them out. I call attention to the Indain Removel Act Because the Creek, Cherokee, Chicasaw, Semionoles. and Choctaw at one time tried to act like Whites, by owning large sections of land, and owning Slaves. They tried to Assimilate. This only made Whites jealous and resenful. In the end Indains were forced off of there land, and made to move west and take there Black Slaves with them. I bring all of this up because Indain and Black history is interwind. From the very begnning Black Slaves, and Indains fought togeather, live togeather,and married each other. History shows that indains own Slave up too and until the end of the Civil War.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Learning to read and write.

From 1505-1865 it was aganist the law to teach a Slave to read and write, in America.Well we can see why a Slave Master would want to keep his Slaves uneducated.Reading and Writing makes one think, and Slave Masters did not want their Slaves thinking. President James Madison left a Slave in Philadelpha, because after attening the contiental congress he felt that this Slave had been tainted with ideas. We see that throughtout history education has always been a powerful tool. What I take away from this is its hard for someone to control you when you are educated.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Hero.

Today is my Heros Birthday. The first Black Heaveyweight Boxing Champion. Jack Johnson. March 31st 1878-June 1946.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

the Black Slave Women.

Before I move forward if I may let me regress.I must give honor and thanks to the American Black Slave Women. Every disgrace you could ever think of was done to the Black American Slave Women. America was Built on her back.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ameican Slavery in the 1820s

The Missouri Compromise has Northern Missouri being addmitted as free and the Southern Half Being addmitted as a slave state. And Maine being addmitted as a free state.

In 1829 Mexico abolishes Slavery, and becomes a refuge for American Slaves.

Well at the end of the 1820s American Slavery was being attacked on 3 fronts. Mexico, Canada, and all northern States but one were free soil. The 1830s would see the attack on Slavery become more intense.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Battle of Honey Spring.

Mid-Day July 17,1863 Union and Confederate forces met at Honey Spring, in and effort to control Indian Territory, in Oaklahoma. what makes this Battle unique is that this was the first time during the Civil War, Whites Soldiers were the Minority, in both Forces.African and Native Americans made up the bulk of both fighting forces.Infact in the heat of battle the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry held the Center of the Union line that day,and repulsed a direct Confederate charge.

I love American Black History. I started researching from 1505 Forward.And I stumble up on Native American who own Slaves,and then I came upon the Battle of Honey Spring. This research will take me from the trail of tears, into the Oaklahoma Territory.Throughout the 1800 we find Black American, and Native American History interwind.And we will find that the Southeastern part of the United State, and the Oaklahoma Territory, are a treasure chest of Black American, and Native History.

This post is brought to you by my CD. How I Lost weight, How I am Keeping it off. Only 16.95. Please E-Mail Me @ KnHagler@gMail.Com.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


In its most evil Day America has had people who showed a high degree of Ethics.In 1812 there was already a substantial minority of Americans who wanted to abolish Slavery, and treat Native American Indians fairly. There were two major political parties at the time, Republicans and Federalists, yet the ground of division between parties was wilting away. Because both parties were dominated by rich White Men.In 1812 Canada remain a problem for American Slavers Because Canada had outlawed Slavery in 1793. However a more pressing problem for american Slavers was Florida. Florida was close to large populations of Slaves. In 1812 Spain owned Florida, and still allowed Slavery. Slaves still escape to Florida. Spain allowed this if they would convert to Catholicism. The key thing to remember about the war of 1812 was not who won the Battle of New Orleans. The war of 1812 was about two American Aims taking more territory, invading Canada and taking Indian land. And enlarging the Institution of Slavery.

Well we see the greed of the American elite, And what mattered at that time.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

A strong Black pioneer.

I had given you my three strong Black pioneers But if you may allow me to add a fouth.

Let me introduce you to my Great Grand Mother. Mrs Laura Stephenson, I call her Mama. This women was Born from Exslaves.She grew up during years of hardship for Black people in America. She grew up at a time when a Black Man or Woman, had no rights, that a White Man was bound to Honor.But she never lost faith. She just put her head down and moved forward. I do not know where she learn to read, and write, are add and subtract. I do not think she had much formal education, but she love to read and write letters, and do research. And she was very much into American Politics. I do not know if she ever was allowed to vote given the way the southern part of America was structured during her life time. She knew and understood the importance of History. When i was 4yo My Great Grand Mother taught me how to read. I remember her telling me that her eyesight was poor and she needed me to read to her. Well looking back now I know that she wanted to put a strong foundation under my feet. Well this Great women of History, who never Complained, and always believed in moving forward Died March 1960. She went out just like she lived. With Class and a Winning Sprit. One last note on the morning of her Death, she ask me to prey with her, she said I will not be here when you come home from school.

In Honor of Black History Month.

I give you My Great Grand Mother Mrs Laura Mama Stephenson.

January 2, 1878-March 1960.

A strong Black American Women.

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Why I started this post.

As I have said when I started this post in February 2011, I was quite Frustrated by the fact that how little my people know about there own History.

Black History is American History Denied.

Every Sunday night at Cen Time.

Listen to BlogTalkRadio/AWordFromGod.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Black History

As I said when I first started this post,I was quite frustrated with the like of knowledge that my Black Brothers and Sisters have of Black History. February in America is Black History Month. I started this post in February 2011, which I may add turn out to be one sorry month for Black History. Not knowing ones History is like being a tree without roots.

Throughout American Black History there have been many Black Men and Black Women who were game changers, on the road to Freedom. For February 2012 I have 3 great Black Americans I want to present to you.

1.Mum Bett 1742-1829.

This Slave women whose suit for freedom helped bring about the end of Slavery in the State of Massachusetts. Please read about this great American Black Lady.

2. Elizabeth Keckley 1818-1907.

A Slave women who Bought her Freedom for $1200 Dollars. Quite a large sum in in the 1850s. Lizzies skills as a seamstress were taught to her by her mother.During the 1860 Lizzie became a close friend of Mary Todd Lincoln. Please read about this great Black American Lady.

Jack Johnson 1878-1946.

The first Black American HeavyWeight Boxing Champion. Against all odds This great Black American became heaveyWeight Champion. Please read about this great Black American.

These three great Black Americans are the foundation for those who came after them.

Let me give honor, love, and thanks to the American Black Women.

This post is brought to you by my CD, how I lost weight, and how i am keeping it off.

Monday, January 2, 2012


From 1505-1800 Black slaves were brought to America Beaten, raped, murdered, subjuated, made to work hard and made to breed like animals. However at the beganing of the 1800, White America had a big problem, After the American Revolution All but one northern States freeed their Slaves. Alot of Black Slaves had fought on the side of America during the war, and were now looking for America to fess up. Well White Americas answer for the Black slaves help in defeating Great Britain was to send them back to Africa. Some White leaders of that day, John Randolph, Henry Clay, Richard Bland Lee. These great White Americans created the American Colonzation Society, for resttling free Blacks back to Africa. When a man has been on his knees all of his life. And then you come to him and say i want you to fight for me, and if we win i will give you your freedom. Freedom is a great motivator it makes a man move a little faster, and fight a little harder. Well the Black Slave held up his end of the agreement. White America has never seen an agreement between themselfs and the Black Man they have ever felt bound to respect.

I created this Blog February 2010 Because after listing to Black Americans during Black history month, i came to realzation that most Black Americans under the age of 60 know very little about their own History. A funny thing about History, if you do not know where you came from how can you know where you are going.

This post is brought to you By my CD on how i loss weight, and how i am keeping it off. For only 16.95.

I always give honor to the American Black Woman.