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Thursday, March 31, 2011

A great American.

Please Allow me to move forward a bit.

Today i honor the Birthday of a Great American, a pioneer in the struggle for Black American Rights. This man came from poverty, the son of Former Slaves, and rose above racism, and claimed the greatest prize in American sports. Happy Birthday to my hero the First Black  Heavyweight Champion of the world. Jack Johnson. March 31, 1878-June ,1946.. May his Memory live forever.

See Jack Johnsons life story in DVD form. Called Unforgivable Blackness.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

American Slavery and Christianity Part 2.

A strange sight in the 1740s-1780s. 3000 people out in a field, Blacks and whites togeather. Slave owners and Slaves, listening to a preacher who says, here my message, a new life for you, heres a chance for you. Heres a god who has your interest at heart. Heres a god who may deliver you.

The great awakening swept through America during the 1740s.. Listening to preachers, who  told of  immediate salvation. The preachers did not challenge Slavery, but they preached to everyone, Slave owner and Slave. Initially the Slave owners resisted evangelist teaching christianity to their Slaves. But as the revival movement spread a few even considered it their christian duty to teach their Slaves to read the Bible. American slaves found the Bibical message of spirtual equality before god appealing and found confort in the Biblical deliverence Slave owners allowed black preachers to preach and spread the word to their Slaves. Black Womwn took the lead in the Black Church, and were the majority of the membership. These women became leaders and exercised ther right to preach.The spread of christianity throughout the 1700, allowed the American Slave to here a Bibical message of equality and deliverence, Some Slave owners were so taken by the great awakening that they taught there Slaves to read the Bible.Now in the early 1700 you see a small unraveling of Slavery in America. The Slave became confused, on one hand he is hearing the preacher preach salvation and equality and deliverence, and then on the other hand he or she is being kept a Slave. What HYPOCRISY. While keeping  Black people in Slavery, but at the sametime the white preacher was preaching deliverence.

Teaching a slave to read was aganist the law. But some slave owners taught their slaves to read the bible. To make matters worse for the slave owner, his wife was teaching her house servants to read. The seeds of  freedom were sowed in the 1700 America The teaching of christianity to slaves was undermining American slavery.

Well we see three things comming out of the great awakening of the 1740s.

1We see seeds of freedom placed in the slaves head by the white preachers, by preachering salvation, and equality.

2 The birth of the Black Church.

3And the strong leadership role in Church of the Black women.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

American Slavery and Christianity Part 1.

This is a very intense subject that i am about to get into. I am not making History,  i am only researching and presenting History, as i find it.

Slavery and the Bible

.The following passage shows that slaves are clearly property to be bought and sold like livestock.

1.However you may purchase male or female slaves from among  the foreigners, who live among you. You may also purchase the children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slave like this. But the  children of Israel an their relatives must never be treated this way. Leviticus-25-44-46.







From what i can find in History Christians were active perticpants in the slave trade for over 1500 years.

American christians called abolitionists infidels, and accused them of blasphemy for speaking out and writing against slavery.

There is much more to American Slavery an Christianity. In Part 2 i will look deeper into this topics.

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This post gives Honor and thanks To The American Black Women. It was on her Back that America was Built.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Slave Auction.

This is tough Research for me. To thank of the price my ancestors gave for me. The slave auctions where human beings were bought and solded. It was the slave auction where the term auction block came from.

The slave was placed in shackles and led to and elevated stage for inspection, Prior to the live auction. The buyer would walk the block and physically and inhumanly examine the slave. He would pull the slaves mouth open, to see his or her teeth.. The buyer would pinch the slaves limbs to determine their strength. Then make the slave walk to see his or her mobility.

One story i read tells of a slave auction, near  Savanna Georga. Described as a choice lot of 436 men women and children slaves. Before the sale slaves were kept in pens. At the sale Families were broken up an solded apart. I read where one slave women beg the high bidder to bid for her child. For her pleading she was whiped. The slave had no rights that the  white slaver was bound to honor.

Well as a Black American researching the slave auction it was hard for me to do. But i had to do it after all this is a post on American Black History.

I will close on this note,the way so many people in America were bought and solded. Its a wonder any Americans Black are White really know who there kin are.

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This post honors The American Black women. Its on her back that America is Built.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dividing Line.

Between 1660-1700 we began to see the split in Americas thanking. In the South there were large plantations that grew cotton and other crops. They needed a large amount of  Labor to grow and reap their crops. In the north not as many slaves were needed, because they did not have the large plantations, So you can see the split starting to form between the north and the south. As the years go by the slave issue would grow larger and larger. In my researching slavery in  America, I am seeing that the race problem we have today in America were bred in the minds of people way back in the 1600s. Before i move into the 1700s,  i want to look at the slave aucton, the treatment of slaves, by slaves owners, family life of slaves, and the many diferent jobs of slaves, in the 1600s in America.

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I give honor and thanks to the American Black Woman. Its her back that America is built on.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taking Hold

In 1656 the word slave began appearing in the records of the Virginia colonies. By 1658 ten tons of tobacco had been shipped to England thru Jamestown. Jamestown was fast becomming Boomtown. Because of all the cotton and tobacco that flowed thru her ports to England. The people of jamestown were becomming quite rich. Slavery by 1660 had taken hold in virginia and in maryland. Because of slave labor a agricultural economy prospered  really well. A  problem for the colonies were the American Indian, who were constantly attacking the colonies The colonies captured and enslaved a large number of these indian, and shipped them to the carolinas, to work in the cotton and tobacco fields. But the indians made poor slaves, because they would runaway, leaving there women and childern behind. The white slaver  put all slaves togeather in the slave quarters. With the black slave male outnumbering  black and indian females 3-1 soon you had race mixing between the black slave male and the indian female. The white slaver had been mixing with the black slave women ever since she came to America. Now in the carolinas  you start to see a new kind of slave bred of three races. As we move thru the 17 century, we start to see the foundation of the american people emerge. As we move from 1502-1865 we wll see that race mixing, is what ties all americans togeather.

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This post gives Honor and thanks to the American Black Women. Its on her back that American is Built.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Major Players.

In my last post on slavery, 1502-1865. I identified the Major Players in the American slave trade.The white slave ship captain, the white slave trader, the white plantation owner, and the Black Slave Women.Slavery could have never started nor continued , and enhanced without the black slave women. It was upon her back that America  grew, and the white slaver became quite rich.The white slaver had in the black slave women the perfect being. She could cook and clean his home, she could work his fields, wet nurse his white babies, be a confidant and servant to his white wife, and also along with the black slave man give the white slaver a lot of black slave babies. And after all of that the white slaver had the black slave women for his sexual pleasure.

Slavery could not have existed without the Black Slave Women. So as you can see America was Built on the Back of the American Black Women.

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