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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Confiscation act of 1861

This was a act of Congress in August 1861 permitting the US Government to Confiscate any property being used to support the Confederate cause. Since the South considered Slaves as property, They were included. After the Battle of Bull Run both sides saw the Slave as a military asset and expendable. General George McClellan was appointed Commanding General of the Army by President Lincoln.

As we move into the fall of 1861 there were no major battles. The US Navy was starting to have success on the east cost, the anaconda plan was starting to take effect. Southern farmers were burning there cotton crops because of fear that they would fall into Union hands. As winter set in military action slowed down.

As I have said the North went to war to save the Union, and the South went to war to preserve and expand Slavery. But as we draw to the end of 1861 Slavery has now become the main issue of the war. The Union did not have a set policy on what to do about Slaves coming into there lines.However when Slaves came into Union lines they felt they were free. It was up to Union Commanders as what to do with Slaves.

Some sent them back, some put them to work, and some allowed them to come through there lines. In the fall of 1861 thing were moving faster than anyone had ever seen. The war was going badly for the North, they had noway of forcing Southern States back into the Union. And if things were not bad enough, there was a risk of war with England. America was coming off track, and Slavery was now front and center.

So 1861 comes to and end with America in total confusion, and Slaves starting to see a path to freedom.

In my next Blog we move into 1862. The Black Slaves path to freedom would get a little wider.

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