The election was quite heated, The Democrats elected James Buchanan, the Republicans elected John C Fremont, and Know Nothing party elected incumbent President Franklin Pierce.
The Republican party condemned the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and crusaded against the expansion of Slavery. James Buchanan warned that the Republicans were extremists whose victory would lead to Civil War. The Know Nothing party tried to ignor Slavery. Fillmore receved a little over a fifth of the vote. Fremont receved 114 Electoral votes. Buchanan receved 174 Electoral votes. The results in the election indicated that the Republican party were close and with a few more States would win the next election. The Republican party after the 1856 election became a major alternative to the Democratics. Also for the first time in American history a top Presidential party was oposed to Slavery. After the 1856 election America was now on the doorstep of Civil War. In my next Blog I will Blog on two men who kick the door down and put America into War.
As I close this Blog, let me say February is Black History Month. As a Black American Vet who is trying to tell the truth about American History, I would say that Black American History and American History are the Same.
The Black Slave Built America and their story needs to be told. Their story cannot be put into 28 days.
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