January 1st 2013.
Wow we have made another year. I hope you enter 2013 with strong mind and strong body. For me Iam so happy I have made it to 2013, because just my being here is pure luck. In November 1998 I passed out with a BloodPreessure of 250.
But with Gods grace I survived, and Iam here today.
In 2013 I would hope that all White Supremacy minded Americans will change there ways, but Iam not hopeful of that. However I would ask you to consider several things going forward. Your children and grand children will grow up in alot different world than you did. Also your base is getting smaller. Look around the demographics in America is changing.
January has a special meaning for me. Today is my Fathers Birthay, and American Vet who wore the Uniform. A Black Man who never got the respect he deserved. Happy Bithday to my Dad. 1/1/1917 -1/7/1997.
This is and American Black History Blog.
Iam now up to January 1854. I would think that Slaveholders brought in the new year January 1854, just like they have every other New years, with plenty of food and drank, and good fun and music. Provided by there Slaves Iam sure they felt on January 1st 1854 that life was good. But starting this January there world was fixing to start to turn upside down.
For the millions of enslaved in America 1854 freedom was to began rolling there way .
Happy New Year.
God Bless America.
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