This was the most powerful Force in America aganist Slavery beganning in 1824.
For three decades before the civil war this movement agitated for the end of Slavery in America. The group came togeather to act politically in the AntiSlavery cause. The abolitionist movement was of high moral purpose an courage, and made the Slavery question the prime concern of national politics. Although Antislavery sentiments had existed during the 1750s, it did not reach crusading proportions. until the 1830s. One of its main spring was the growing influence of religion. The religions revival that began in western New York in 1824 and swept much of the north. This created a powerful impulse toward social reform, and the freeing of Slaves. Arthur and Lewis Tappan along with Lloyd Garrison began publishing an abolitionist journal The Liberator. In Philadelpha the American AntiSlavery society was formed in 1833, The society launched massive propaganda campaign. It flooded the Slave states with abolitionist literature. They sent agents throughout the north to organize states.and poured petitions into congress demanding and end to Slavery. The abolitionists were widely denounced and abused, mobs attacked them in the north.
Southerners burned AntiSlavery pamphlets. And some states excluded them from mail. Congress imposed the Gag-Rule, to avoid considering the petitions. Free thanking Democratics and Whigs were the forerunner of the Republican party.
I would ask you to study and research the abolitionists movemnt. This was the most powerful movement in Amrica for ending Slavery. These brave men and women risk being killed, beaten or thrown in jail. They risked it all to end Slavery.You must remember in 1824 when this movement started, every level of the US government was pro Slavery, Slavery at this time was firmly entrenched in America. Aganist all odds
Abolitionist ended Slavery in America.
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