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Sunday, April 29, 2012

The 13 Colonies.

Every since Black Slaves were brought to America, the law was never  written for the Black Slave. especially the Black Slave Women., and the Indain Women. The 13 Colonies adopted the English law.The law in the colonies were written for Whites only.It was open seasion on Black Slave Women, and Girls, and Indain Women  and Girls. The Slave Master decovered that he could keep his labor cost down by  having Sex with the Black Slave Women, and Breeding his own Slaves. I call that pleasure for profit. Under English law the child took the name of the Father. But the Colonies  changed the law to benefit the Slave Master, by saying that a child born to a Slave Women would take the name of the Mother. Therefore ensuring that the child would remain a Slave.


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Indain Removel Act.

In 1830 President Andrew Jacksn just a year after taking office, pushed a new piece of legislation through both houses called the Indain Removel Act. This act gave the President power to break indain treaties, with tribes east of the Mississippi. The removel was suppose to be voluntary and peaceful. But the southeasten nations resisted, and Jackson force them out. I call attention to the Indain Removel Act Because the Creek, Cherokee, Chicasaw, Semionoles. and Choctaw at one time tried to act like Whites, by owning large sections of land, and owning Slaves. They tried to Assimilate. This only made Whites jealous and resenful. In the end Indains were forced off of there land, and made to move west and take there Black Slaves with them. I bring all of this up because Indain and Black history is interwind. From the very begnning Black Slaves, and Indains fought togeather, live togeather,and married each other. History shows that indains own Slave up too and until the end of the Civil War.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Learning to read and write.

From 1505-1865 it was aganist the law to teach a Slave to read and write, in America.Well we can see why a Slave Master would want to keep his Slaves uneducated.Reading and Writing makes one think, and Slave Masters did not want their Slaves thinking. President James Madison left a Slave in Philadelpha, because after attening the contiental congress he felt that this Slave had been tainted with ideas. We see that throughtout history education has always been a powerful tool. What I take away from this is its hard for someone to control you when you are educated.